PINEAPPLE RESEARCH STATION (KERALA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY), VAZHAKULAM, MUVATTUPUZHA Please visit our new official updated website at Fight against social evils ![]()
PRS @KAU, Tripod, Wiki, Mal; Culture, Facilities, Crops, Technology, Products, Services, Publns, Mal, Outlook, News, Links,+, Staff, Jobs, Contact, Reach Pineapple Research Station Applications are invited from smart, innovative and enthusiastic B.Sc. (Agriculture / Horticulture) and VHSC (Agriculture) candidates for temporary post of Skilled/Research Assistants. Applications are also invited from diligent, industrious and hard-working post graduates in any branch of science who are well-versed with the operation of various specialised laboratory equipment like Gel documentation, ELISA Reader & washer, PCR, UV vis spectrophotometer, UV- Transilluminator, Flame photometer, Centrifuge, Microscopes, Electrophoresis, Shakers, ovens, Precision Weighing balances, Deep freezer, BOD, Laminar Air Flow, still, etc. Computer proficiency- system maintenance, MS Office, desk top publishing (Pagemaker/Indesign), web designing (Front page/Dream weaver), photography & photoediting (Photoshop/Corel suite), Videography & videoediting (Premier) etc and driving licence (both two and four wheeler) are highly desirable. Outstanding local candidates having excellent academic records, strong aptitude for research and long term interest at this centre will be given preference. Those interested may please contact with full biodata at the earliest: The Associate Professor & Head, Pineapple Research Station (Kerala Agricultural University), Vazhakulam, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam District, Kerala, PIN-686 670, Tel. & Fax: +91 485-2260832, Cell: +919446010905, E-mail: Trainings With the primary objective of developing and promoting local self help groups (SHGs), short term trainings for batches of 20-25 trainee candidates on Tissue culture, pineapple cultivation, processing, etc are offered to unemployed youths who have passed SSLC or higher. Pass in Plus two, Computer proficiency and driving licence are desirable. Local candidates will be given preference. Those interested may please contact with full biodata: The Associate Professor & Head, Pineapple Research Station (Kerala Agricultural University), Vazhakulam, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam District, Kerala, PIN-686 670, Tel. & Fax: +91 485-2260832, Cell: +919446010905, E-mail: Student Training for Experience gaining Gaining hands-on experience is very crucial for building up a good career. Meritorious fresh graduates and post graduates are encouraged to work in the well equipped laboratories of the station. They can work in the biotechnology, biochemistry and microbiology laboratories along with the R & D Team of the centre for gaining first hand experience. They can acquaint with the operation of various equipment like Gel documentation, ELISA Reader & washer, PCR, Colourimeter, UV- Transilluminator, Flame photometer, Centrifuge, Microscopes, Electrophoresis, Shakers, ovens, Precision Weighing balances, Deep freezer, BOD, Laminar Air Flow, still, etc. They will get excellent opportunities to become well-versed with scientific research methodologies and protocols in biotechnology, biochemistry and microbiology. Experience certificate will be issued for the period they work in the laboratories. They will be given due preference for appointments in temporary vacancies arising at the centre. Those who have academic excellence, strong aptitude for Research and Development and long term interest over three years at this centre are always encouraged to join the PRS family. Selection of candidate is a three stage process. Confident and interested candidates having consistently good academic record with more than 75% aggregate score throughout may email to their full biodata/resume in the prescribed application format complete in all respects. Local candidates residing within 20 km from PRS, Vazhakulam with an aggregate score of more than 65% can also apply. Those having less than 65% aggregate score throughout their academic life and interest to work for less than two years need not submit resume and try for placement at the centre. Our team will evaluate your application, answers, views and vision. Every application will be evaluated critically giving 40% weightage for your academic score and 60% weightage for your general capabilities by awarding marks for each answer in the application form. You will be informed of the results with details as to whether essential qualifications met, your test score, status remarks, qualified for further test or not, and our advice memo. Candidates securing more than 60% will be invited for a written test, discussion and interview to assess the candidate's scientific, technical and managerial capabilities. On receiving the Advice memo/Email invitation, you may personally call me over phone and fix up the date and time of your test and interview at your earliest convenience. You are requested to bring your updated CV/biodata in the prescribed application format in compliance with the job notification when you come for the test and interview. The written test consists of two papers; one subject paper and another general proficiency paper, each carrying 50 marks. Subject paper questions will be of graduate and post graduate level. Common sense questions will be in general proficiency paper. Candidates securing more than 70% combined score in written test and found promising in discussion and interview will be given a chance to prove their expertise, skills and efficiency in our research centre. Desiring and determined candidates can avail up to three attempts, provided they improve the test score at least by 10% every time. Prospective candidates will be provided ample opportunities at the station to develop their expertise, skills and efficiency and build high performing teams. Excellent performers will be fitted in available vacancies in line with our Motto 'Quality People & Infrastructure for Quality Technology, Products & Services; Merit alone counts for Quality suitable for the purpose and one has know-how only when it is proven in real life.’ In case of no vacancy, they will be wait-listed. Whenever, a future vacancy arises, they will be considered for the post. Those who are willing to learn and striving for betterment, that is, striving to do things better and make things better will have plenty of opportunities at the centre. Fee based student training for experience gaining programs are also available for the needy candidates in Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Food Technology, Information Technology, etc. Project work of U.G. & P.G. students Meritorious students from other universities can do their project work at this centre on payment basis subject to terms and conditions issued by Kerala Agricultural University from time to time. Outstanding students having excellent academic records, strong aptitude for research and long term interest at this centre will be given preference. They will get excellent opportunities to become well-versed with scientific research methodologies and protocols in biotechnology, biochemistry and microbiology. They will be encouraged to work in the well equipped laboratories of the station for gaining first hand research experience and building up a good career. Besides receiving experience certificate, they will be given due preference for appointments in temporary vacancies arising at the centre. Kerala Agricultural University Orders No. R5/65863/08 dated 20.03.2010, 12.08.2010, 26.03.2012 & 15.06.2012 permit external candidates to do their project works at KAU research stations with intimation to Director of Research, KAU. Application of the external candidate in the specified format duly recommended by the Head of the Institution along with fee should be sent to the Head of the KAU Research Station. Fee is fixed as Rs.3500+12.36% Service Tax for first month and Rs.3000+12.36% Service Tax for every additional month of project work. The fee shall be paid as DD drawn in favour of the Comptroller, KAU payable at SBT, KAU Branch, Vellanikkara. Expenses on additional facilities are to be met by the candidate or the sponsoring organisation. An undertaking by the candidate and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Rs.100 stamp paper by the institution in the prescribed proforma shall be given by the candidate duly countersigned by the concerned Guide/Head of Department/Institution. The KAU Research Station and its supervisors are to be properly acknowledged with due authorship in the publication/presentation/patenting and report of the project work, a copy of which shall be handed over to the Station Head for filing in the Station Library. The project work should be in pineapple or passion fruit and a maximum of two candidates will be permitted at a time. Those who want to do the project work at this centre may inform this centre, come well prepared for a detailed discussion on the project work with the lab staff, finalize the plan of work, complete the formalities and carry out the project work within the time frame. The project work has to be done by the candidate under the guidance of the station head and the lab team. Students desiring to do project work at PRS, Vazhakulam
should submit to the Station Head the following after finalizing the programme
of Project work.
For More Information Contact:
Pineapple Research Station
Copyright © 2010 Pineapple Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University. Best viewed in IE 5.5 or above, 1024x768 screen, scripts enabled. Last modified: 11 Jan 2015. Webmaster: Dr. P. P. Joy, Associate Professor & Head, Pineapple Research Station (Kerala Agricultural University), Vazhakulam, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam District, Kerala, India, PIN-686 670, Tel. & Fax: +91 485 2260832, Cell: +919446010905, E-mail: Constructive comments, suggestions and criticisms are most welcome and please mail to |